Sunday, June 03, 2007

Muddy@rse Recce Ride: Devils Revenge

Devils Dyke to Ditchling Beacon is a simple straightforward run suitable for anyone with reasonable fitness and a little experience on a mtb. Not this ride, our route does not use the South Downs Way. The usual Muddy@rse Recce crew set off from Devils Dyke carpark just after 11-00am and we did not return to the cars until after 5-00pm.

The route meanders down, up and around the hills between Devils Dyke and Ditchling Beacon. There is a dose of sinewy singletrack that must be ridden with commitment, a couple of downhill sections that can really be blasted, some wooded singletrack and more than one brutal climb. The ride finishes with a gentle singletrack descent leading to a steep grassy bank pock-marked with rabbit holes and grass tufts followed by a final climb up Devils Dyke.

This is a tough ride, see you all in June.

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